Now Available For Libraries, Educators And Guidance Counselors – Resilience And Self-Esteem Books And Videos By Positive Psychologist, Bestselling Author And Film Maker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

Now Available For Libraries, Educators And Guidance Counselors – Resilience And Self-Esteem Books And Videos By Positive Psychologist, Bestselling Author And Film Maker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein – Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe […]

Interview With Joanne MacGregor

Interview with Joanne MacGregor   When not writing books, Joanne Macgregor is a Counselling Psychologist in private practice and works with all kinds of clients. She started her professional life as a high school English Teacher, but has also worked as an IT trainer, a theatre dogsbody, and management consultant.  She lives in a small, beautiful […]