You know, I have found that all of us suffer from some degree of pessimism. Certainly, I have at times. I work THE ENCHANTED SELF program, just as I teach others. For example, today I had some medical tests and rather than allowing my anxiety to sky-rocket I kept thinking of fun things I have done in the past and lovely things I wish to do in the future. My mind went from playing in my backyard at six, to planning a spa adventure! Did it help every second? No. Did it help most of the time to consciously stay with pleasant thoughts? Yes.Mother’s are so special. Today is Mother’s Day and I think about so many people who have been wonderful mothers-including of course, my own mother, and my daughter who is also a great mother. I am particularly touched by those who are the unexpected moms of the world-men suddenly thrust into the role of ‘mother’ and even animals suddenly mothering. I think the award this year should go to Mr. Tortoise who is 120 years old and became an instant mother when a stranded hippopotamus was brought into the animal sanctuary where he lived. The hippo had gone out to sea and back in the Tsunamie and then was stranded on the beach frightened. He was finally held by fishing nets by the local people until someone could take him to the sanctuary. He was so scared and confused as hippos usually stay bonded with their moms until nine months. Who would become his ‘mom’? Would anyone step up to the plate? Yes, the tortoise did. They immediately nuzzled and got close. The hippo was sleeping against the tortoise and the tortoise taught him how to find and eat leaves and took him down to bath. They have been together happily for months! Thank you almighty G-d for sending us this story of pure joy after tragedy and teaching us mere humans that there is a loving mother in most of us! May she always come out when she is needed and may there be pleasure all around!
their Enchanted Self. What is the best way? One ideal
path is to read Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret
Ingredient is YOU! and also listen to the cassette of
CD version of THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy.
These two together really get you going.
Recipes for Enchantment is a collection of enchanting
and motivational short stories and the follow up
exercises which allow the reader to relate the messages
to their own experiences.
The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy, shares that we
live joyfully when we learn how to use our memories to
retrieve our talents, strengths and even our lost potential.
The result is a joyful re-inventing of ourselves in ways
that uniquely suit us and our circumstances. You will
also enjoy listening to me as I share lots of people’s
stories, including my own. I am excited to offer you this
package so that soon you will be having so many more
"enchanted moments".
The combination is simply irresistible!
As a spring special I am eager to send both to you at
a reduced fee. The cost for the book, Recipes for
Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU! and the
cassette set of The Enchanted Self is $23.00 including
postage.For the book, Recipes for Enchantment, The
Secret Ingredient is YOU! and the CD version of The
Enchanted Self, the cost is $27.00 including postage
You can send me a check at 170 Morris Ave., Long Branch,
New Jersey, 07711 or call me at 1-732-571-1200 and order
by credit card.