I’ve been speaking to a group of Displaced Homemakers this month at Brookdale Community College, in their Eastern Branch of Monmouth Country, New Jersey. It has been so wonderful. During the first meeting I shared with them The Seven Gateways to Happiness (which you can download for free on the home page of www.enchantedself.com). Then I showed them how to begin to access their own talents, strengths and lost potential. They developed lists of their positive attributes from a particular time in their lives. It was very interesting that most chose their 20’s. Each woman had Cialis Online a chance to share from her list and to reflect on how she might best utilize some of her talents in the present or future.
In the second session we continued the discussion, but merged it with reacting to my book Ten, (The Truth, I’m ten, I’m smart and I know everything), which is the adult version of The Truth, I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything. Conversation was very lively, augmented by answering questions that were written by an 11 year old girl. (More on that in another blog).