I’ve been a writer now for 20 years. Well, actually it is much longer than that. If I count from the fourth grade when I started keeping a diary, and junior high, when I started to write poetry, and college when I started to write short stories, ummm, let’s see, that makes…..let’s just say too […]
A Special Collection of Blessings For You This Memorial Day Weekend…
“May you be blessed with a day where no one speaks negatively, including you!” “May you feel as though you can walk on water, even when you are simply walking along the shore!” “After you struggle uphill may you always slide downhill laughing, full of life and giddy with delight.” “Everytime you set out to […]
The Second Book in The Truth Series, Secrets Book Excerpt
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Today I am sharing with you part of a paper I wrote on The Enchanted Self, entitled: Origins of a Positive Psychology for Women: Full Circle A Therapists Recognition of The Enchanted Self in Her Clients as Well as Herself
My search for what I call The Enchanted Self1®began 17 years ago when, after many years in private practice, an urge was building within in me to learn more about how the messages girls receive in childhood about whom they should become interface later with their sense of self in adulthood. I wanted a first […]
SECRETS, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein’s new book, is no longer a SECRET!
I finally held SECRETS: You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine…maybe! in my hands this past Friday. I got the proof and it was ‘love at first site’. The book is purple with beautiful flowers and just wants to be read. I approved it on Friday and now it should be ready for purchase […]
Discovered: The Secret Ingredient to Happiness is Ourselves!
As many of you know I am a positive psychologist and happiness coach-I encourage finding out what’s good about ourselves (rather than what’s bad), and seeing ourselves in a positive light. I teach how to understand your own needs and your talents, and how to do the work necessary to create a life full of […]
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist Discusses How She Discovered THE ENCHANTED SELF(R)
I was always concerned about some of the issues that clinicians face in practicing therapy. As a client, and also as a therapist, I saw again and again that we tend to focus on what is wrong about ourselves, rather than what is right. We are experts at judging ourselves and usually not for the […]
What are the tools to get to THE ENCHANTED SELF® part of ourselves? What skills do we need in order to find happiness that is unique and sustainable for each person? I suggest you enter the Seven Gateways of Happiness that go with The Enchanted Self and find the tools waiting for you at each […]