The Truth is Resiliency is Important in Growing Up! Dr.Prince-Embury shares this knowledge with Dr. Holstein on archived podcast shows, Happiness for Women Only and Kids, Tweens and Teens, A positive psychologist looks at all three

One reason I wrote The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) is to show girls how resilient they naturally are.  To learn to recognize their coping powers and their abilities to overcome obstacles and have fun in the process, by identifying with the girl in the book.  As she says on […]

Tell me The Truth, what do you want in the second edition of THE TRUTH (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything)?

It really is true.  There is plenty of room and a real need for fiction books for girls, tweens and teens that incorporate positive psychology principles.  And I’m thrilled that I wrote the first book in this new field.  In fact, the book is selling so fast that I am already thinking about reprinting.   The Truth (I’m […]

Magic Potions We All Need This Time of Year

As winter descends we begin to feel the chill of shorter days and less sunlight. For many of us, less hours of light combined with colder temperatures results in us feel less light emotionally. For some of us, who actually have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) gloom really sets in. This gloom often has to be […]

Displaced Homemakers at Brookdale Community College

I’ve been speaking to a group of Displaced Homemakers this month at Brookdale Community College, in their Eastern Branch of Monmouth Country, New Jersey.  It has been so wonderful.  During the first meeting I shared with them The Seven Gateways to Happiness (which you can download for free on the home page of  Then […]

Favorite Blessing

May you always be able to focus on the small delights of being alive and notice and enjoy the amazing combinations of ingredients that assemble in our lives for our pleasure and nourishment! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers […]

Anatomy of the Truth

FA032 – Anatomy of “The Truth” Doctors Brian and Giuseppe talk to Doctor Barbara Becker Holstein about her recent book: “The Truth: I’m a Girl, I’m Smart and I Know Everything.” Dr. Barbara’s approach as a positive psychologist is also discussed. Listen here: Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin […]