Was She an Angel?

Welcome to a world where happiness is a possible mental and emotional state at least a good part of the time.  Welcome to the Enchanted Self Positive Psychology Concepts where I teach you how to generate a life worth living that has meaning, value and integrity for you.  Unique to your mental wellness needs which […]

Favorite Blessing

May you always be able to enjoy yourself. May you be able to perceive yourself in a positive light, combining your Tramadol 50mg perception of yourself with a world view that permits fun, replenishment and good times. May you have the courage to play. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on […]

Becoming an Enchanted Self

How do we obtain a life worth living?  How do we overcome adversity?  How can we experience positive emotions?  How do we stay in good mental health?  These are serious questions and to briefly answer them would be unfair to the reader.  But I can say as a positive psychologist, working in the treatment room […]

Favorite Quote

Favorite Quote “…one needs to make three resolutions: Be careful not to Become angry. Do not become tired and Online Pokies do not feel a need to complete the work one is starting.” …Rabbi Salanter ~*~ Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit […]

Check out Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein quoted in a major national article on Happiness, On The Edge: The Happiness Craze

On The Edge: The Happiness Craze August 20, 2008 by Linda Formichelli A new wave of books about a timeless topic hope to help you—and their eclectic authors—live a better life. Happiness isn’t a new concept—Aristotle wrote about the topic more than 2,300 years ago and Thomas Jefferson included the “pursuit of happiness” as an […]

An Enchanter: The Gabbie Cabbie

Finding out how to live a life worth living and being able to overcome the adversities that befall all of us in a normal lifetime, while also experiencing enough positive emotions to feel happy much of the time, may sound like a tough assignment. But if you can just be true to yourself and learn […]

Weekly Blessing

May you always be able to enjoy yourself. May you be able to perceive yourself in a positive light, combining your vigrx reviews forum perception of yourself with a world view that permits fun, replenishment and good times. May you have the courage to play. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share […]