I’m Ready to Be a Hip Hop Grannie!

The Olympics are over but my mind is still full of the excitement and thrill of watching the games in China. I’m also still thinking about the Hip Hop Grannies that I saw in one of the portraits of everyday life in China. These gals get together every morning and do everything from oriental forms […]

Weekly Blessing

May all your story telling lead to vigor, wisdom, replenishment and a confirmation on the enchantment of daily living. May your Pokies true song come through. May all your days be full, as if with songbirds and your nights as if with nightingales. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin […]

The Enchanted Self, more on Wisdom Secrets and Nancy Drew

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein discusses The Enchanted Self, more on Wisdom Secrets and Nancy Drew. Here guest is Martha Trowbridge, Inspirational Writer for Women. This week I’m eager to share with you a radio show on Wisdom Secrets For Women and Girls that we know as adult women that we really learned originally in girlhood. […]

This Week’s Blessing

“May you always be prepared for fun, for pleasure and for new solutions! May you always be able to see yourself as a wonderful reservoir of talents, ideas, and new ways of thinking “out of the box” Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on […]

Author helps teens, moms connect

BY LAURIE LAWLESS Hour Staff Writer As a young girl, does your life seem complicated? As a parent, does your daughter and her adolescent issues seem confusing and incomprehencible? Well wonder no more, because Norwalk native, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein has written a new book to help struggling pre-teens and their non-understanding parents. “The Truth […]

This Week’s Blessing

May you always find ways to give and take from life and others so that you continue to overflow with delight. Then you certainly will have the blessing of fatigue, and you will be most satisfied with whatever you are able to do in you lifetime. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook […]

Getting to The Truth and More!

I’m excited this week to share with you my podcast about The Truth, my new book. As some of you may know, The Truth has already appeared in two editions, one for women and one for girls and mom’s. While I was waiting for the edition for kids and moms to come out, I asked […]