I’m Dreaming of Sex and the City!

It is 10:30 PM.  If I am lucky, at 11:30 I'll get to see a re-run of Sex and the City.  It might be from early in the show, or maybe from the middle of the series, or toward the end.  I won't know until it starts.  And I won't even care.  I can go […]

A Small Act of Kindness can mean so Much!

A Daily Dose of Kindness*Thursday, May 1, 2008———————————— * Very shortly after my husband died I was shopping in my local supermarket. I paid by credit card and the check-out assistant returned my card and with a smile said "Thank you Mrs. K ——- ". I think this is the first time that a check-out assistant had […]

Happiness Can Be Mysterious in Small Wondrous Ways

ENCHANTMENT ON AN AIRPLANE We are all composites of so many wonderful facets of potential. We have so many untapped capacities for humor, for pleasure, for doing good in the world, for making a difference, for recreating ourselves again and again. One brief vignette comes back to me. A few years ago I was talking […]

Dr. Sandra Prince-Embury, Resili ency Expert, Guest on Dr. Holstein’s radio show, Kids Tweens and Tenns, A Positive Psychologist Looks at All Three, on www.internetvoicesradio.com

Today, May 12, 2008 Dr. Sandra Prince-Embury was Dr. Holstein’s guest on her radio show, Kids, Tweens and Teens, A Positive Psychologist Looks at all Three on www.internetvoicesradio.com.  This show is recorded and archived and available 24/7 for downloading and as a podcast.  Dr. Prince Embury discussed Dr. Holstein’s new book, The Truth,(I’m a girl, […]

Never Say Never to Your Talents…..

” Never say never to your talents being birthed. Have twins, have triplets!”Copyright © 2004 Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein One of my favorite quotes.  I thought of it while waiting at a doctor’s office!  Enjoy!  Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share […]

Dreaming of and Still Enjoying Department Stores

Dreaming of Department Stores    by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein A few years ago we took a short vacation break that included three nights in London. But where to stay? My husband mentioned hotel names to me that the supplier had offered. I couldn’t help but be intrigued with the name "Selfridge’s". After all, wasn’t […]