Romantic Lockets are the Hot Spring Accessory!

I was reading in Woman’s World for 4/17/07 how Romantic lockets are the hot spring accessory.  "They’re so trendy worn with everything from a T-shirt to a flirty dress to an evening gown…."  The article also mentions how you can keep loved ones close to your heart with lockets that open for pictures. This is […]

Recipe for Happiness

Here are some words that inspire bad feelings and thoughts: Bitterness, Apathy, Fear, Pessimism, Selfishness.  Wow-I don’t want to even write any more words like that.  Let’s cleanse the atmosphere with positive words that bring light to the world. Here are some: Tranqulity, Compassion, Courage, Creativity, Dignity, Empathy, Forgiveness, Generosity, Gratitude, Hope, Love…. Wow-I could […]


My mother, Bernice Becker,  once wrote a story entitled, I Did-and You Can Too. She talks about how "In truth I was somewhat like the heroine of a soap opera."  She shares how to went from being a bored housewife to getting a master’s degree in education.  It all started by taking one art […]

Recipe for Enchantment

   “Also notice what perks your magic up and relieves apathy or fatigue.  When you hit upon it, you’ll experience a more-alive feeling, an excitement, or simply a gentle interest: these are signs of life force in your work.   Spend more time in these areas.  Document them in your journal.” —    © Positive Energy […]

Recipe for Happiness from Benjamin Franklin

Gretchen Rubin has a great blog called The Happiness Project. She quoted Benjamin Frankin today, saying: A quotation from Benjamin Franklin. [Of his plan for achieving virtue, which I used as a model for my happiness project] "On the whole, though I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, […]

Positive Memories Encourage Happiness

Tonight I was talking to a dear friend of the family.  She was remembering memories of both my mother and my father and sharing them with me.  Betty and my mother were best friends since girlhood.  In fact, in my mother, Bernice Becker’s book, FEEL GOOD STORIES, there are eight illustrations.  These were all done […]

Unhappy Children Can Walk Back To Happinss

Walking back to happiness How can young people’s low spirits be improved? The children’s commissioner has a few good ideas. Anna Bawden reports Tuesday March 20, 2007The Guardian The children’s commissioner for England, Al Aynsley-Green. Photograph: David Levene Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green likes teachers. A lot. The children’s commissioner for England, always an outspoken defender […]