Marriage Affects Women’s Happiness Most Marriage affects Chinese women’s happiness most, and women in their first marriage feel the happiest, according to the recently published 2006 Chinese Women’s Life Survey. The survey points out that 45.6 percent of respondents think their marriage is happy; about 20 percent show mutual respect with their husbands in […]
Recipe for The Embroidery of Our Lives
Today I was going through some old papers I have collected around THE ENCHANTED SELF which is now about 14 years old. My intitial positive memory work and the resultant shift for the treatment room actually happened perhaps 15 or 16 years ago. Time flies! In fact, I wrote the rought draft of THE ENCHANTED […]
Recipe For Success
Continuous effort–not strength or intelligence–is the key to unlocking our potential.~Winston Churchill Simply put this is a great recipe for success. My father always said that inspiration was 99% perspiration and 1 % inspiration. It is the persistence and the capacity to hang in when our ideas, our dreams, our talents, even our style or […]
Recipe for Learning
5: Make it fun If I’m not having fun, I’m not learning. It’s that simple. This simple recipe for learning found on, run by Alexander Kjerulf. is so true. We learn best when we are involved and so completely mesmerized by what we are learning that we are truly having fun! I remember when […]
What Kids Say They Need For Happiness from the Vancouver Sun
I found it exciting to read in the Vancouver Sun a report on happiness about children the ages of my little girl in my new book, THE TRUTH, My Secret Diary, I’m Ten, I’m Smart and I Know Everything! In The Truth the little girl makes clear what grown-ups are forgetting. She knws that isolation […]
Recipe for Enchantment
Today I thought it would be helpful to just review some of the ingredients that make up THE ENCHANTED SELF way of living. Hope you enjoy ‘cooking’ with me, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist. THE ENCHANTED SELF promotes a positive review of your life and encourages life style changes that lead to living a […]
Earth Angels
I saw a sign outside of a school today that went like this: "There are many angels on earth, disguised as children." I think this is a great quote. One reason I wrote my new book, THE TRUTH, My Secret Diary, I’m Ten, I’m Smart and I Know Everything, is because I believe that children […]
Recipe for Fun
I heard today about a great game that children play. It is called ‘GiggleBelly’ or ‘Ha-Ha’ and apparently a lot of kids learn it at camp. You lie on the floor and each person puts her head on the next person’s belly. Then someone starts by saying, "Ha." Then the next person says, "Ha-ha." Then […]