Google Blogs Alert for: "Women happiness" Shodo Class-22nd of January,07By japannow(japannow) They wrote many words: Happy Celebration, left and right, women, happiness.A boy was playing with his toys and did not disturb us. Next shodo class will be on 8th of February starting at 11:00AM.Tsukushiclub Activities – I was so excited to step into […]
More on Happiness
Today, I was reading on line an article written by Mary in Nigeria, for a newspaper, . She commented on many aspects of happiness but what struck me most was the following: "Children are experts in happiness more than adults. Any adult who can carry the spirit of a child into the middle age […]
Blessings come in so many packages
Dear Readers, Finally! I have been able to access my blog again. I’m so glad to be back. I’m sharing with you some of my last e-mail newsletter as many of you many not know that I am a Positive Psychologist, focusing on women. My mission is to educate women in the ways of the […]
You Can Always Add a Blessing to Someone’s Life
Once a poor man was refreshed by a wonderful tree. He was hungry and ate a juicy apple from the tree. Now he was tired and the tree helped keep him cool as he slept. When he woke up, he spoke to the tree. "I want to repay you in some way for helping me. […]
Blessings from Felicia Weinberg
Enjoy life both in your dreams and in actuality. May you look at the world with new eyes each day and find possible adventure around every corner you approach. May you choose to follow those adventures on a daily basis, even if they are only the adventures of your mind, enjoyed from the safety of […]
How to Go Away to Come Back
First: Promise yourself to leave at least once a day. Second: Find three to five minutes for your personal escape. Third: Escape, replenish or refresh yourself and come back. Ideas for Going Away: Walk outside and look around at the sky, the flowers, and passersby. Take three deep breaths and remind yourself about one special […]
Recipe for Enchantment
One way to bring Enchantment into One’s Life is to Help Others … Here is a simple recipe: Take some time over the next month or two to visit a sick friend, relative or stranger. Perhaps there is even a neighbor down the street who could benefit from some company. If you don’t know who […]