I’ve been a writer now for 20 years. Well, actually it is much longer than that. If I count from the fourth grade when I started keeping a diary, and junior high, when I started to write poetry, and college when I started to write short stories, ummm, let’s see, that makes…..let’s just say too […]
Category Archives: Books
The Second Book in The Truth Series, Secrets Book Excerpt
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SECRETS, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein’s new book, is no longer a SECRET!
I finally held SECRETS: You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine…maybe! in my hands this past Friday. I got the proof and it was ‘love at first site’. The book is purple with beautiful flowers and just wants to be read. I approved it on Friday and now it should be ready for purchase […]
Diary Entries
Some of you may think that all the ‘girl’s’ entries are in her diary that became The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything!). But that is not true. She also had secret entries that she kept in another hidden diary. From time to time I come across one of those secret […]
I believe that retrieving positive memories is important to our health and well being. This is one of the dominant themes of my professional teaching. I have come to believe that without a sense that life is pleasant and at times pleasurable, joyful, even rapturous and ecstatic, we are vulnerable to depression, chronic anxiety and […]
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Celebrates The Chinese Launch of The Truth
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More About THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
This book, utilizing case studies, personal insights from my own life, reader exercises and even poetry, allows the reader to explore positive aspects of herself. If she is a therapist, she also learns how to make long overdue corrections in the treatment room. Many readers, therapists, and lay people, wrote to me thanking me for […]
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist, Discusses THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy
After I interviewed women outside of my practice, I realized that we do not reinforce, nor encourage the capacities for joy and pleasure that we really have. Often, the media further encourages a negative view of ourselves and our world. How could I begin to capture and teach others about the capacities for personal joy […]