My wish for you on New Year’s Eve is that the one resolution you will really keep this year, even more than your diet, is to be true to yourself. And if you have a daughter, help and encourage her to be true to herself. I wrote The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and […]
Category Archives: Positive Psychology, Kids, Tweens and Teens
Tell me The Truth, what do you want in the second edition of THE TRUTH (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything)?
It really is true. There is plenty of room and a real need for fiction books for girls, tweens and teens that incorporate positive psychology principles. And I’m thrilled that I wrote the first book in this new field. In fact, the book is selling so fast that I am already thinking about reprinting. The Truth (I’m […]
The Truth is that The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) contains within it The Enchanted Self.
The Truth is that The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything), my new book, contains within it the same truths that make up The Enchanted Self. At first you might not believe that, as my first book The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy was for women and clinicians. This book is for […]
Anatomy of the Truth
FA032 – Anatomy of “The Truth” Doctors Brian and Giuseppe talk to Doctor Barbara Becker Holstein about her recent book: “The Truth: I’m a Girl, I’m Smart and I Know Everything.” Dr. Barbara’s approach as a positive psychologist is also discussed. Listen here: Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin […]
Daily Connections TV
Helping your daughter with social issues such as gossping, rumors and bad reputations: Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Wisdom Secrets to Happiness Brought to you by The Enchanted Self
If we can find the wisdom secrets to happiness, and we can also learn how to integrate them into our lives, how to practice them, find the recipes that go with them and stir that wonderful pot, we can end up much happier. We do know as women that happiness is sometimes something […]
Can You Handle the ‘Truth’? | The Jewish Exponent
Experts confirm what the majority of people know: Truth comes in a number of forms and reveals itself in myriad ways, and that it’s often relative, depending on the needs and expectations of the seeker. Now, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, based in Long Branch, N.J., and a nationally known positive psychologist — an officially recognized […]
Dr. Sandra Prince-Embury, Resili ency Expert, Guest on Dr. Holstein’s radio show, Kids Tweens and Tenns, A Positive Psychologist Looks at All Three, on
Today, May 12, 2008 Dr. Sandra Prince-Embury was Dr. Holstein’s guest on her radio show, Kids, Tweens and Teens, A Positive Psychologist Looks at all Three on This show is recorded and archived and available 24/7 for downloading and as a podcast. Dr. Prince Embury discussed Dr. Holstein’s new book, The Truth,(I’m a girl, […]