Last week my husband, Russell and I atteneded the American Psychological Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts. I had gone to graduate school in Boston, so for me, it was my old haunting ground. Also, my mother’s family lived there and I was back and forth to Boston from earliest childhood. So of course, every time I’m […]
Category Archives: Positive use of Memory
As you begin to recognize the positive states of well being from your childhool, i.e., THE ENCHANTED SELF, you can become a better expert at understanding what made them heightened joyful times. It may not be enough to remember a wonderful day that you spent. For instance, let’s imagine a wonderful day at the circus […]
TO OUR FUTURE Do you realize that your past experiences hold the key to a better future? Each of us can learn to unlock the door to a better future by understanding the promise that exists in our own unique memories. Many times in life we struggle between hope and hopelessness. One place to find […]
Wow! So many of us went on Mystery Rides as Kids!
On July 5th, 2008 I’m the guest on The Puddle People Hour on BlogTalkRadio. The two hosts are Beth Marino and Pam Sargant. That show will be archived and available 24/7. We pre-recorded the show tonight and of course talked quite a bit about my first book, THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy and my […]
Summer Enchanted Moments and Memories
It is one thing to have an Enchanted Moment. (I fully discuss Enchanted Moments in my book, THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy. We all need to experience them as often as possible. An enchanted moment can be as simple as sitting on your porch, feeling content, watching the leaves rustle in the trees and […]