The Superhereos and Secret Genuises Within Us All.

There are times in life that we doubt our abilities. We doubt who we are and what we can accomplish. We are Superheroes! All of us are secret geniuses. It is a matter of unlocking the vault of knowledge and our own personal powers. Barbara relates and speaks about this in her personal interview on […]

Turning Fantasy into Reality

Fantasy is a genre of fiction that uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of ploy, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic is common. Often the genre of fantasy is dominated by its medievalist form as can be seen or read in The […]

Having just the right ingredients

Often people think of enchantment as being under a magical spell.  When you think of magic you may even imagine putting together a potion that will create a desired spell. How long the spell will last can be a question for magicians or it may be an answer you may be able to answer yourself. […]

Always reaching for that rising star

Isn’t life just grand? If you are like most ordinary people that is not what you say each day. Yes. Life is grand but there are many obstacles that come in our way for letting us see how truly wonderful life really is. You and I and other people you know have talents. Have you […]

Welcome Changes Radio host Velma Gallant interviews exciting and dynamic guests such as New York Times best selling author, Neale Donald Walsch, Mike Dooley from “The Secret”, and Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein! Read what Dr. Barbara had to say about the show and listen to the show yourself!

Being a radio guest of Velma Gallant, the Queen of Joy, was a true treat. She is a marvelous radio host, who knows how to elicit from her guest so much information. I felt like my expertise as a positive psychologist and as an educator was just pouring out of me as we chatted about […]

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, positive psychologist, discusses some of the core concepts of The Enchanted Self at Norwalk Community College, November 2008 at the annual Writer’s Conference Pokies Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist Presents her paper, WRITING FOR PSYCHOLOGY, CASE BOOK, FICTION, WHAT’S NEXT? at Norwalk Community College.

I uploaded a very short video in which I discuss some of the core concepts of The Enchanted Self. The video excerpt is part of a lecture that took place at Norwalk Community College, November 2008 at the annual Writer’s Conference. The full title of my presentation was: Writing for Psychology, Case Book, Fiction, What’s […]