An Old Love Returns and I'm So Ready!
Those of your following my website and e-mail newsletters are aware that I've been creating Enchanted Self Necklaces and now earrings.  Many of you have purchased them to wear or to give to another special woman.  But I bet none of you know the REAL history behind the necklaces!~
When I was very small, between the ages of two and four I used to get sick a lot.  My mother 
Bernice Becker
would find herself housebound with a bored child.  We had no television and I wasn't old enough to get lost in any radio shows.  My toys didn't work for me when I was confined to bed, and most of them were trucks.  What was my mother to do?  Actually, she knew exactly what to do and that is the beginning of the Enchanted Self Jewelry Line.
First she would let me sit, like a princess, in the middle of my parent's bed.  Next, she would empty out her jewelry drawer and bring to the bed what appeared to me to be a million boxes.  Then she would open them one by one, and I would watch as the bed magically became a jewelry store, with rows and rows of glamorous pins, earrings, rings, necklaces and several watches.  I was enthralled.  There was the Cameo pin that my grandmother had given her, and the rhinestone necklace that I was sure was really diamonds!  And so many earrings with pearls and other glass gems.  I was so excited.  I couldn't wait. Suddenly, my headache was gone and my throat didn't hurt so much.  Let's play jewelry store!
And we did.  First I would be the customer and my mother would be the saleslady.  I would pick an item and she would explain to me all of its facets of beauty and charm.  I would get to try it on.  Then if I decided to purchase it, she would place it in a box and I would pretend to give her money.  Then I would take it 'home'.  That meant I would put it up next to me by my father's pillow.  Next, I would be a different lady coming in to by something else.  This would continue until the pillows besides me were laden with boxes.  Finally, if I wasn't too tired all would be reversed and I would be the saleslady and my mother would be the customer.  It was wonderful fun.
I loved playing Jewelry Store.  It made the afternoon fly as I was lost in the safety of my mother's love and devotion and mesmerized by the beauty of the color and shapes of my mom's jewelry.  The fact that it was all costume, except for the Cameo pin and her wedding rings, of course made no difference to me.  It was all gorgeous and glamorous and someday I would be a grown-up lady wearing beautiful jewelry, just like my mom.
That is the real origin of THE ENCHANTED SELF Jewelry Line.  And because the origin comes from such an intimate place in my memory bank, I can give the necklaces the intensity of meaning and the beauty that they exude.  They are not just putting a heart on a string-they are a true representation of the energies of the heart that are unique to us, as women, and specifically generated by my own early good fortune to be loved with care, devotion and imagination by my mother.
As I've mentioned before, we receive the most positive energy to move forward in our lives, when we are able to re-ignite earlier energies that are specific to us, not to anyone else.  They are our own and there is a passion that comes from them that can not come from attempting to simply follow someone else's suggestions or instructions-no matter how wise they may be.  We are our own energy tanks that can always be renewed.  We just need to learn how to identify, honor and trust what is uniquely ours! 



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