The Enchanted Self — by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
For the first time in eleven years of having my web site, my site has not been functional for several weeks. It should be up and running this week, but I feel I need to apologize.
If anyone has had trouble reaching me, please write to me at . You can send your blessings into this address also and I will forward them to my web mistress.
I hope you will consider writing to me on my blog, The Enchanted Self. You can reach it via and also via my web site. I've put up on my blog some interesting blessings, reflections, inspirational stories and comments. I hope you will respond and share.
I don't know how many of you realize that was one of the first psychology sites on the web for women! It has undergone several transformations. It's been larger, it's been smaller. It has had a poetry section, it has had art. It has birthed the Seven Gateways to Enchantment, although originally the Gateways had different names and there were even eight or nine. It has had pop-ups. It has not had pop-ups. But it has always had life and energy and been there as a beacon for women. I can't wait to tell you that it is fully operational once again.
Thanks so much for sticking with me!
All my best, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
In private practice since 1981, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, psychologist and originator of The Enchanted Self, has committed to bring the keys of enchantment to the world.
¨ E-mail Dr. Barbara at:
¨ Read the weekly column in SFPNN
¨ Listen to her audio show at LadybugLive
¨ Buy Dr. Becker-Holstein’s latest book at or or
¨ Sign up for her daily blessings as
Talk to her on her blog, The Enchanted Self, at