"Achieving Positive States of Mind and Body Again and Again"
Produced by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Psychologist, Life Coach, and Originator of THE ENCHANTED SELF(R)
Welcome to the monthly publication of The Enchanted Self's e-newsletter! The following is what you will find in this month's issue.
Recipe for Enchantment #29
Combine together:
- A dash of hope
- A teaspoon of belief that good things happen
- A teaspoon of commitment to practice positive thinking
- A cup of dreams, lightly sifted into the mix, so that it is most suitable for this time in your life
- A sprinkling of resources, friends and others to reach out to when necessary for advice, guidance and help
- A cup of clear pure water, filled with life-sustaining elements to bring all of the above together
Now mix well, store and use as needed to bring a renewal of energies and positive focus to your life.
Magic Potions We All Need This Time of Year - Pt 1
By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
As winter descends we begin to feel the chill of shorter days and less sunlight. For many of us, less hours of light combined with colder temperatures results in us feel less light emotionally. For some of us, who actually have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) gloom really sets in. This gloom often has to be offset by either full spectrum lighting and/or various psychotropic medications.
For people with mild versions of feeling down or sad at this time of year, I'd like to suggest a way to lighten ourselves and bring more light back into our lives. My suggestion is the use of magic potions. Did I say "magic potions?" You thought I was a positive psychologist, not a magician or a medieval enchantress of some type! Yes, I said "magic potions" and yes, indeed, I am a positive psychologist. So what do I mean? Let me explain.
When I talk about magic potions--an expression I use to add drama and fire to our cold winter days--I am really talking about individual mental health formulas designed for each person. These are available in various sizes, shapes and compositions. Just like the old fashioned pharmacy where the pharmacist got out his mortar and pestle and mixed a compound for you when you didn't feel well, our mental health magic potions are that unique, requiring individual mixing. In fact, a compound that agrees with me may not agree with you. So it is very important to take the time to mix exactly what each of us need. This is necessary for the full affect of joy and rejuvenation that each of us so deserve this holiday season.
Now let's look at what makes a mental health potion real magic. The best way I can initially teach you about these magic potions is by example. For me, a magic potion this time of year is simply to walk outside of the house, as I did this morning to listen to a crow up in a tree calling its song. This ordinary bird, not usually sought after for its song, has always quickened my heart and unleashed a momentary but real sense of well-being.
For many, many years I've wondered why. The best I can determine is that I have memories, partially forgotten, which I call in my book, THE ENCHANTED SELF: A Positive Therapy, "shadow prints of the mind."
These vague memories are without a clear storyline but do seem to take me back to my grandmother Rose Silverman that I loved so much. The crow's call starts a memory trace that includes Rosen Road where my grandparents lived. I do not remember any crows calling, but I do remember lying in my bed and experiencing the wider world through an open window. I felt content lying there, enjoying the aromas of flowers and cooking, the street noises, including children's voices laughing and shouting, cars and, of course, nature's voice: the birds chirping, and the trees rustling. All of this made me feel so safe, drowsily content and anticipating what our adventures that day would be.
Perhaps I'd get to ride on the swan boats downtown at Boston Common, feed the pigeons and grandpa would buy me a balloon. Or maybe we would be going to visit a relative and I would be offered a wonderful box of chocolates from which to pick one or two special selections. Then I would get to dance and show off and receive some well appreciated praise.
How lovely to bring all that back in a flash! I want to thank the crow that was up in the tree today for being there and so exquisitely offering me the exact mental health potion that I needed to start my day.
Please stay with me. Next time I will continue to explain the use of magical potions and give you more examples of how you can make them part of your own enchanted winter.
How to Order Books, Audio Tapes and more
How about some autographed copies of 'Recipes for Enchantment' with a free copy of The Enchanted Self's paper newsletter and a bookmark? Perhaps you would be interested my first book, 'The Enchanted Self', which is also available on audio tape? Here are some ways to order:
Tip: When shopping online use keywords "recipes for enchantment" and "enchanted self" to locate the books.
E-group: Connect with others like you!
Find out "what's right with you--not what's wrong!" Come chat with other "Enchanted Self-ers" at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/encself. Membership is free and you will have access to our on-line calendar, message board, chat room, and more. It's a great way to connect with others who are exploring, creating and sharing their own positive and satisfying lives. See you there!
Share Your Enchantment!
Share your positive stories and questions about enchantment with us and other Enchanted Self readers around the globe! Our mid-month e-letter focuses on YOU and reaches a subscriber list of almost 700 people from the US, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and many other countries! Please send stories, comments, and questions to encself@aol.com.
Quote of the Month
"Very often the essential is weightless. Here the essential seems to have been merely a smile. A smile is often the most essential thing. One is repaid by a smile. One is rewarded by a smile. One is animated by a smile"
-- Wartime Writings 1939-1944-Taken from A Guide for Grown-ups, Essential Wisdom From the Collected Works of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, p.64. Published by Harcourt, Inc., New York, 2002.
Blessing of the Month
May you always be able to create a mental health magical potion, perfect for you, any time of day or night as you need it. May this weightless wonder potion include smiles, encouragement, humor and whatever else good you need at the time!
I am so pleased to announce my new column on the-bright-side.org, a site dedicated to helping people cope when life is just "too much". I have the privilege, as a positive psychologist, of also being one of the-brigh-side.org's advisors.
To visit my new column, 'A Happier Me' copy and paste the following link into your browser window: www.the-bright-side.org/site/thebrightside/section.php?id=664
Have an "enchanting" month. I wish you all many enchanted moments!
Forwarding & Reprinting
(C) 2000-2002 Copyright The Enchanted Self – All rights reserved.
Please feel free to pass this issue on to someone who might enjoy it. The Enchanted Self Newsletter is copyrighted but may be quoted, reprinted, or distributed in whole or part without prior permission, provided the content is not changed and attribution is given including:
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
I also encourage you to include this material in other publications, such as self-healing and professional psychology newsletters. However, I do ask that you contact me beforehand for permission and send a sample issue.
To learn more about THE ENCHANTED SELF(R) - A State of Well Being, Joy, and Happiness, please contact me or visit my web site.
phone: 877-B-JOYFUL
fax: 732-531-1201
e-mail: encself@aol.com