I love this story that was passed along to me via my daughter. I think that right now everyone, even those really in touch with their Enchanted Selves (that is their capacity to have positive states of being again and again, unique to themselves) are in need of some miracle stories and uplifting remarks. Times […]
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Dr. Holstein talks about ‘Staying Upbeat in a Down Economy’ on www.mainstreet.com on Jan. 29, 2009
Stacy Baker interviewed me for a major article on www.mainstreet.com on Staying Upbeat in a Down Economy. Here is the first point I made in the article: 1. Do a self-check. When your financial state hits rock bottom, so can your self-esteem, outlook and mood, says Holstein. This is the ideal time to evaluate […]
I’m quoted in February’s Cosmopolitan Magazine
I’m quoted in February’s Cosmopolitan Magazine on page159 in the article, When Your Friends Start Having Babies. The quote is “She will appreciate your making the effort to spend time with her and the child…and will likely return the favor by carving a few hours out of her schedule for just the two of you,” […]
Worrying about Financial Loss? Seven Pointers to Still Sleep at Night and Be Happy
Lots of people are worried in today’s economy. Some are faced with actual loss of jobs and/or houses, or retirements, while others are trembling about what might happen. None of this makes for restful sleep or an upbeat demeanor, nor feelings of hope and optimism, let alone feeling ‘happy’. So as a positive psychologist who […]
The Truth is that The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) contains within it The Enchanted Self.
The Truth is that The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything), my new book, contains within it the same truths that make up The Enchanted Self. At first you might not believe that, as my first book The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy was for women and clinicians. This book is for […]
Nancy Drew and THE TRUTH, (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything!
Me and My Best Friend Nancy Drew! I’m remembering some special times I had with a best friend, Nancy, when I was growing up. Oh, they were wonderful adventures that we took together-just Nancy and myself. And when it came to an end I had a let down that could only be compensated for in […]
Daily Connections TV
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