Valentine’s Day For Divorced Women – Positive Psychologist Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers Tips – Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser […]
Tag Archives: finding joy
Positive Psychologist And Author Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers 8 Tips To Overcome Holiday Blues
Media Release: Positive Psychologist And Author Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers 8 Tips To Overcome Holiday Blues – Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark […]
Don’t end up miserable on Valentine’s Day
Fantasy is a normal healthy part of staying alive, but we need to utilize it to our advantage, not disadvantage. Let’s look at how Natalie is using fantasy in my new romance book. It isn’t all to her advantage! Natalie, the central character in Next Year in Jerusalem! has been struggling with romantic and exaggerated […]
Boredom, NO, Stimulation and Friendship, YES!
Do you know that there is a part of each of ourselves that needs adventure and daring. Boredom is not a healthy state. We all need change and variety. The question is how can we get changes in our lives without disrupting our personal apple cart or taking unnecessary risks? Sometimes we are hampered by […]
The Loss of A Mother, My Mother
Some of you know that my mother passed away last November 11th. It is now almost a year. I miss her so much. Sometimes I feel she is right here still with me. One example is when I sit down to write my latest book, a romance-mystery novel for women, I feel often that she […]
The Superhereos and Secret Genuises Within Us All.
There are times in life that we doubt our abilities. We doubt who we are and what we can accomplish. We are Superheroes! All of us are secret geniuses. It is a matter of unlocking the vault of knowledge and our own personal powers. Barbara relates and speaks about this in her personal interview on […]
An Enchanted Self Moment in the New York Subways!
I notice the three men on the platform as I wait for an uptown subway. They dressed in a combination of elegance and thrift store. One of them has a pretty expensive leather jacket on. Was it warm enough for 30 degrees out? Also, his dressy shoes in leather were elegant but looked many years […]
Some Thoughts for Having Mental and Emotional Fun!
My dear friend and mentor, Mr. Del Sylvester used to say that if you become interested in anything, it will become interesting. I knew Mr Sylvester when I was a teenager. I don’t think I fully understood this concept then. Now I do. I see that if we bother to get interested in an activity […]